• Frustrated trying to get people to land on your Amazon sales page?
  • Tired of trying to figure out Amazon’s constantly changing algorithms?
  • Craving for more sales?Amazon SEO

As the world’s largest e-commerce shopping store, nobody really can afford to say goodbye to Amazon. It’s where your customers hang out. Brick and Mortar is quickly dying out and everything is being transferred online.

This is great news for retailers including authorpreneurs who are in the business of marketing their books.

If you know what people are searching for, you CAN stand above the noise. This is where SEO or Search Engine Optimization Amazon comes in.


What is Amazon SEO and why the heck should you care?

Like Google and other search engines, Amazon has its own search engine at the top. Typing in certain Amazon keywords and keyphrases which are search terms that will, over time, increase product rankings.


Amazon primarily operates by algorithms which means that these search terms will cause products to get seen more often than others.

Are you familiar with “Customers Who Have Bought This Have Also Bought This?”

That’s a little trick Amazon uses to get you to… 1) buy more and 2) get the most relevant search results for that particular product.

shopping on Amazon

If your results are great, your customer won’t go past the first page. Customers use specific search terms and phrases to get what they want.  When they have found the right product, they are ready to buy.

Whether you’re an authorpreneur or the CEO of a company, you don’t want your product to appear on page 40, right? Amazon’s algorithms are always changing, and there’s no guarantee you’ll arrive on every page, but these SEO techniques will definitely give your product pages a boost. As someone who has optimized product page descriptions using Amazon SEO for various companies, I can tell you that there is no real secret when it comes to killing it online. Here are 5 ways to significantly increase your visibility and sales.


  1. Make sure your product description page is optimized with the right keywords and phrases. You’ll want to explain the features and benefits of your product in as few words as possible and with the right keywords.

What’s customers look for:

  • Easy readability including numbers.
  • A very short description. If they can’t get the gist of your product in under 10 seconds, they’ll You want to make it easy for them to convert!

The key is specificity.

Let’s say you want a [[small space heater]].


Once you enter the keyphrase, Amazon will provide you with a number of small space heaters for indoor use.


2)Use the most important keywords and keyphrases in the product title. This is super important and is another opportunity for increasing your conversions. For example, if your product is a therapy lamp, include the search terms, [therapy lamp] in the title.


What should your title include?

  • Your product name
  • Your product’s brand name (see #3)

3) Include your brand name. Brand keywords are super important. They increase credibility and conversions. If you’re an authorpreneur, then your name is your brand. If you own a company, then that company’s name needs to be in the title. Don’t mention your brand too much as this can quickly turn customers off.

searching on Amazon for what you want4) Optimize your Amazon’s seller’s account. You can list as many products as you want to your seller’s account, but each one has its own listing. Similar to a metadescription, your backend listing on Amazon has a finite number of characters so you’ll need to choose the right keywords and phrases to optimize them well. You can include other keywords and keyphrases you didn’t include in your title.

5) If you’re an author, don’t forget to include your book’s genre in the title, product description, and from the backend. This will optimize your target reach. Note the specific results when the keyphrase [self-help books] is entered.


How to Find the Right Keywords and Keyphrases


1) The Amazon Search Bar

Whatever comes up in your own search, can be used in your product listings.


2) Amazon Keyword Research Tool


3) Google Console: Did you know that Google Console has its own keyword research tool?


mobile shoppingAn Important Note on Mobile Optimization for Amazon


Over 85% of Amazon online shoppers browse on their phones. Make sure your product listing displays well on mobile, or you might risk the chance of having your prospects abandon their carts and therefore, won’t complete the sale.




  1. If you want to increase your product rankings and make more sales, Amazon keywords and Amazon SEO are critical.
  2. The more specific the keyword/phrase, the better your chances are for getting found on Amazon.
  3. Optimizing your product listing with the right keywords/phrases from the front and backend will increase performance.

What words or phrases are your customers putting in the search bar to find your product?

Making sure your Amazon page is optimizing is crucial for your success.

Need more support as an authorpreneur?

Hop over to Author Branding Solutions right now to learn how we can help build your author platform and help you sell more books.

Struggling to get online visibility on Amazon? Click here to learn more about my SEO Consulting Services and how they support your sales goals.


I would be happy to take keyword research off your plate for you!

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